The Brandon Act
The original version of the Brandon Act
(Written by Patrick and Teri Caserta)
Mental health safe word for someone to say when they feel suicidal or need any kind of mental health help
They can go to medical or Family Services
Just say “I need to talk to someone about the Brandon Act”
Can be used for any civilian entity or military establishment
This safe word can be used for the following reasons not just mental health:
Suicide/Hurt others
Any type of Sexual Abuse/Assault/misconduct
Domestic abuse/violence
Physical/mental Abuse
Eating Disorders
Financial/Debt/Gambling/Betting, etc.
Personality disorders
All that should be said is “I have to see or talk to someone about the “Brandon Act” and they can go or get taken medical or Family Services where it will decided who they need to see or where to go.
There will be no questions asked by anyone within the command
The person they tell, needs to keep quite and not tell anyone else
No discussion with anyone
If that person talks, then they will be written up or disciplined
If they end up being suicidal or needs to be admitted to a hospital, the medical professional will call the CO only and the CO will inform the people who are on a need to know basis
No one can say anything about why their sailor/troop/airman is out due to HIPPA laws
When the sailor/troop/airman comes back to work, there will not, under any circumstances, be any retaliation on them for seeking help
No ridiculing
No bad evaluations
No bullying
No making them do all the dirty work
No holding back rank
No consequences done to them
The command will welcome them back with no retaliation
The sailor/troop/airman can opt to be sent to a new duty station if the command is doing anything that drives them to suicidal thoughts and ideology
A criminal investigation will be done by an impartial, non-biased party
The FBI should be the entity who investigates crimes on a military establishment
The investigation will NOT be done by the command
The investigation will NOT be done by the Inspector General
If the command is responsible for the suicide, everyone involved should be held accountable
Being relieved: during and after the investigations
Loss of rank
Rank withheld so they cannot make rank during an investigation
If they are deemed responsible, then they do not get the higher rank and will be demoted
Kicked out of the Military
Captain’s Mast
Admiral Mast
Court Martialed
Thrown in Prison
Responsibility is defined as:
Anyone’s actions that drove them to commit suicide or are having suicidal thoughts
If they were the ones bullying
If they were the ones who were doing the hazing
If they were the ones sexually abusing or harassing
If they were the ones who were abusive in any way
If they saw what was going on to others and didn’t report it
If they were told about anything happening with others and did not put a stop to it
If they turned a blinds eye to what is going on in the command
The Brandon Act is designed to help the entire command by allowing service members to get help immediately before they do something drastic such as suicide or possibly murder others within the command or base.
To amend title 10, United States Code, to improve the process by which a member of the Armed Forces may be referred for a mental health evaluation.
This Act may be cited as the “Brandon Act”.

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The Brandon Act